Showing Property: The Right Questions to Ask

According to the NAR, 87% of people came into real estate with ZERO selling skills. Unfortunately, after a year, many still had the same skills and their incomes matched that.

So many agents just SHOW homes, while top producing agents focus on SELLING them. 

How do they do it?....Basic Selling Techniques when showing homes!

Here are some key questions you should ask when showing homes to illicit a buyer to write on offer: (Most should be OPEN ENDED questions)
  1. What do you like BEST about this home?
  2. What changes would you make to call this home?
  3. Where would you put your furniture?
  4. If you were to write an offer, where would you start?
  5. (Direct Close Ended Question) Would you like to buy this home?

Important Note: These questions are designed to help a buyer client to make a decision, NOT to buy the wrong home. NEVER try to convince a buyer client to buy the wrong home.